Yeditepe University Technology Transfer Office (YUTTO) logo consists of 7 different lines, a capital letter Y consisting of two different colors, and a circle surrounding it. The letter Y in the logo represents the initial letter of Yeditepe University, Y. Likewise, the seven lines forming the letter refer to Yeditepe University (Yeditepe means Sevenhills in Turkish, Istanbul is also called Yeditepe).  The lines that make up the letter also evoke technology. The two colors used in the YUTTO logo are turquoise and copper. Turquoise (turkuaz in Turkish), also known as Turkish Blue, has the meaning of “Turkish” in French. Turquoise color is the color of open-minded, helpful and proud people and is the symbol of a high level change and transformation. YUTTO; pioneering on behalf of the university in technology transformation, reflected this feature in its color. At the same time, the fact that color is the color of open-minded people shows the importance YUTTO places on entrepreneurial ideas. Turquoise, a shade of blue, represents education and thus, the educational institution Yeditepe University. Copper color, another color in the logo, is named after the copper raw material. This raw material is used in the industry to represent the industry in the YUTTO logo. The coexistence of these two colors in the logo represents the University-Industry Cooperation. The outermost circle is the representative of YUTTO's bringing together universities and industry.


The YUTTO team worked and decided together for the YUTTO logo, color, and design. YUTTO received the Trademark Registration Certificate of the logo on 10.04.2018.